Saturday, September 6, 2014

McDonalds Happy Meal Artwork Controversy

So I'm proud to say today that some art work got some controversy last month. I'm proud, because the art work was created by a very dear friend of mine, Robert Clements, known to his close friends as Newt.

I met Newt back in 2008 when I befriended his partner at the time, Faris. Faris and I hit it off as friends right away, and trust me when I say we left a lecherous trail of destruction in our wake. Faris introduced me to his partner Newt, who I later discovered was an ultra-talented artist.
Newt showed me his portfolio of all of the art he created, and it was stunning. All freehand drawings which he would draw from memory in most every case. His art work is simply astounding and incredibly realistic.

After some time Newt went on to practice more with computer  graphics software, fine tuning how he made art by hand now on the computer. A result of this was the Happy Meal art that swept the internet.

For awhile Newt cranked out these awesome Happy Meal graphics, some were really horrific, others were absolutely hilarious. It was due to the artwork itself in part, but it's entertainment value also came from the fact that no one in their right mind would market McDonald's Happy Meal toys in the shape of say the main characters from Night of the Living Dead, or a toy of Jaws eating the boat, or even Frankenfurter from Rocky Horror Picture show. Others include Carrie, from the titular movie, a crazed Jack Nicholson from The Shining, and Ash from Evil Dead.

Newt even made one for me especially! I loved it! But what I loved most about it was that we barely spoke when Faris and I were friends, yet he knew of my love for anime and made me a Cowboy Bebop Happy Meal featuring a Faye figurine.

Newt's artwork just exploded in the news recently though, when Amy Bruni from SyFy's Ghost Hunters re-posted a piece that Newt made of a Happy Meal containing a Ouija board. She received a lot of flak for posting that image, because people seriously believed that McDonald's was going to be offering these "Ouija Happy Meals".  The funny thing is that she even wrote in the SAME post that these were not real.
Amy's post:
SO excited for McDonalds' Halloween Happy Meal this year!!!
;) <---- -WINKY FACE AKA THIS ISN'T REAL But for those concerned with the future of our children, you might want to march those pitchforks and torches right on over to Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Target, etc - they all sell, *GASP*, OUIJA BOARDS!!! Millions of them a year! To anyone who wants one! __________________________________________________
Let's cut the shit, she is absolutely right. And I think the flak that she caught for this bullshit was because she IS in fact right. If McDonalds wanted to market these kind of toys to children the outrage toward McDonalds would be overwhelming, yet these toys are sold in your local retail store in the kid's toys section.

Some argue, "Well that's because I have a right to buy a toy or not buy a toy when I go into Target. But at McDonald's it's shoved down me and my kids throat."

What bullshit, I mean really think about this one folks. You have the choice to buy your children a Happy Meal, you have the choice to censor your children's TV viewing so they aren't exposed to things you find harmful. You think McDonald's is going to screw up your children by giving them stupid Ouija board toys? Isn't McDonald's already screwing up your children because the food is pretty much not the shit you should be feeding them in the first place? Yet you have no problem shopping at a store that markets these devices to your children? Hmm.

The point is, Amy Bruni had a lot of people read her the Riot Act for making a joke about something neat she found on the interNewt (<-- Intentional). She has even admitted that this was a learning experience for her to not joke about things that may upset stupid people. Yet the crazy responces she has received are just...well, crazy! I don't believe in this ghost bull crap, I had a Ouija board and used it many times when I was a lad. Nothing ever came out of it, except for me scaring the hell out of my stupids friends who didn't notice me moving the icon myself. And that's all these people are doing is moving that little piece of plastic and glass by themselves. They warn people that they are dangerous devices that shouldn't be used by children, when all they really are is a piece of cheap cardboard and plastic with neat graphics printed on them. Cost on that has to be less than five dollars, yet it is packaged and marketed to kids at three to four times that cost.

Remember folks, the human mind is weird piece of organic equipment. We truly create the world around us with our thoughts. And if you believe in 'magik' and witchcraft and Ouija boards than fine, that's just you seeing the world the way you want to see it. It has no effect on me, since no one has ever or will ever release some evil demon spirit that will require the likes of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroid, Harold Ramis (Maybe FROM the Ouija Board), and Ernie Hudson to vanquish.

But! This is not about the controversy of Amy Bruni's post, nor her naive audience. This is about my dear friend Newt, whom I love very much, and his artwork making it into celebrity circles and into controversy. I guess, maybe, you are not a real artist until something you create makes someone uncomfortable. What an admirable goal, one that I strive for daily.
Thank you, for your awesomeness, Newt! Keep up the good art!

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Threat of ISIS

So these crazy religious fucks who called themselves the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (also known as ISIL the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) have gone and straight up beheaded a fucking American journalist, Steven Sotloff. Just some innocent man of the pen-er-keyboard, who was only doing his god damn job writing about the things he saw, was filmed being beheaded by a jihadist coward.

If you read my shit-rag often enough you'll know that I am a proud atheist and opponent of the religious right-winged political machine. However at the same time I respect other people's rights, and as far as I am concerned they can live their life in the manner that they please, so long as it's not affecting me or my pursuit of happiness. As this goes I'm often a firm fighter for people of the Islamic faith. This is because there is a growing intolerance in America toward Muslims, something the media calls 'Islamophobia'. I like to educate all of those ignorant people, and remind them of every person's rights to worship, to protest, and to build a place of worship. If you ask me, if Christians can have this right then so can Muslims.

This isn't a predilection or some jab at conforming Christian followers. I just feel everyone has the right to find happiness they way they want, as long as it doesn't affect me in my pursuit, so don't push you're sharia law or your mosaic law on me. It's that simple. But these extremist twats in the Middle East have just become a Kaposi's sarcoma on everything that is decent and mend-able in that tempestuous region.

So how did this shit happen? Why is this shit going on?

I have actually heard some folks say that it happened because President Obama pulled all of the troops out of Iraq, and that it's because we haven't invaded Syria. And when I hear these, I just laugh, and cry a little.

First off, the ISIL was created when Bush was in power, shortly after the invasion of Iraq began. The vacuum of power that was created gave birth to this ultra-radical group that even al Qaida believes is way too extremist. And with good cause too, as the ISIS is astonishingly more powerful than al Qaida. Secondly, Bush made the order to pull the majority of the troops out of Iraq before he left office.

And yes, I said that the ISIS is more powerful than al Qaida. Remember this is not a terrorist cell we are dealing with. The ISIS is an organized war force, one driven by genocidal maniacs, and one that is worthy of US intervention.

Now this may come as a shock to you, as I have in the past been against US intervention in foreign countries. But in this case we are dealing with a group of powerful, genocidal, religious maniacs who are hellbent on killing more innocent people on camera and off, in the name of their insanity. They are so insane that they make Kim Jong Un, the  "Dear Despot" of North Korea seem sane by juxtaposition.

Unfortunately, as I lead the cheers for US intervention, I realize as well that this is all a great excuse for America and the EU to get their hands on some rich land and flex some military muscle in front of Russia, Ukraine, and Syria. It could possibly even lead to American airstrikes in Syria. That's right, airstrikes in Syria.

How weird is it that last year we were bound to strike Syria, but thankfully, due to it being very unpopular to Democrat voters the plans didn't go least until now. Seems to me the perfect reason to go in and airstrike Syria and Assad.

Republicans have been shouting that they want action, and god damn it I want some fucking action as well. This is the one time I think it is OK to use force and invade into another country. These assholes are genocidal maniacs who need to be stopped immediately.

Genocide is usually pushed by people who believe they are 'cleansing' the human race. But the real facts of the matter are that genocide hurts the human race, because when you eliminate diversity you severely injure humanity's survival rate. Evolution works, folks. This is why we have people of different color skin, different builds, different attributes, different everything.

So don't have the old G'Dub Bush, knee jerk reaction when I say that the ISIS needs to be dealt with now, by force, and swiftly and harshly. 

Folks, don't take this time to feed into nonsense that the hateful actions of people are that of all of those who practice the Islamic faith. They're not all like these barbarians, they just want a good life for themselves like everyone else. So remember that your Muslim neighbor isn't some invading terrorist, or member of some organized war force, just because you don't understand them. Treat others how you would like to be treated, and let's band together so that we end the tyranny of ISIS as humans united before we have more Steven Sotloffs on our hands.

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#ISIS #ISIL #Obama #Genocide #Syria #jihad #stevensotloff #Islamicstate #Iraq #beheading #journalist

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